Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stop over-trying to impress people, 
when you already have the magic 
inside of you to shine.
Start trusting in what you already 
have inside of you, instead of feeling 
like you have to pretend to act like 
someone you're not.
Yes it's true...
You need to study leaders and 
powerful people to get better... 
But you are unique!
You were made to impact thousands of 
lives with your unique abilities and gifts... 
You just have to be willing to tap 
into them and actually use your gifts. 
Did you know that your 
gifts are valuable like gold? 
And did you know...?...
Your value = influence = income.
...and because this is so...
Then isn't it about time you started 
sharing more of your value with the
Then isn't it about time you started 
sharing more of your gifts with the 
I think it is...
Because I want to see them!
Because I know the world wants to see them!
...and I know your bank account 
would like to see them as well ;)
Because remember...
Your Gifts = Value = Your Income.
Have a blessed Sunday family.
And stay unique!
Chat soon.
Vincent Ortega Jr.

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