I began Network Marketing back in the day with a very well known company. My dream at that time was just to be debt free. Buy cars with cash! Go on vacations with cash! CASH! I wanted cash above & beyond my own needs so I could live instead of just get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and do the same day after day after day for 30 years.
When I wanted a vacation, I worked every bit of overtime I could get to pay for it. Any extra money I got or had at the end of the month went toward credit card bills. I HATED debt and the chains it put around me.
And now I want to say that after college I married. And together we managed to get ourselves into a heap of debt . We argued about how much to pay on the bills. We were involved in Network Marketing, but while I love the process, he despised it. In this particular company, it is desirable for COUPLES to be working the business together. It required change of mindset. Working on the mind is often painful, especially for people with unresolved childhood issues.I tried to pick up the slack but could not. Eventually, we became inactive, only buying products which I still do to this day.
The things I learned in this business became a foundation for things I now do. I do not consider the time with this awesome company wasted. I greatly value the training I received, the life skills I learned, the people I met and most of all the passion this business gave me to accomplish my ever evolving dreams. I just didn't know how it would happen but somehow, I knew it would!
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